My heart, you October tenth

What is the hard peach cake made?

2018-11-01 16:45:54 浏览次数:943

The oil temperature was too high during production. Because margarine has a higher boiling point than ghee, the initial temperature at which the grease penetrates into the flour is too high and quickly dissolves into the flour, so it is not crisp. If you want to make the crispy crispy, you have to give the flour a chance to shape it.

1. Peach Crisp is a traditional Leping traditional snack. It is famous for its dry, crisp, crisp and sweet characteristics. The main ingredients are flour, eggs and cream.

2. According to legend, during the Tang and Yuan Dynasties, farmers in Leping, Guixi, Yingtan and other places around Jingdezhen went to work as potters. Because of the busy work at that time, a Leping farmer had mixed the flour brought by himself and baked it directly on the surface of the kiln. Because of its perennial cough, the daily routine has the habit of cough and cough, so the peach kernels will be added during baking. Other porcelain workers see the dry food made by this method for daily storage and long-distance transportation of porcelain, they have followed suit, and named "Peach Crisp".

3. Peach Crisp has been favored by consumers as a flavor food and convenience food. However, traditional peach cake is a high-sugar and high-fat food. Long-term consumption can induce obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc., which poses a threat to human health.

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